
The Marketplace

A Black Business Incubator – Afri-Soul’s Marketplace provides resources, tools, and infrastructure to support Black entrepreneurs in the greater Phoenix region in starting and growing their businesses. The Marketplace houses Black-led businesses and organizations under a collaborative agreement offering a range of products, services, and resources to their communities. As our founding program established in 2019, The Marketplace has supports entrepreneurs in growing their young businesses and organizations and moving into their own spaces.


Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency – BOSS is a youth entrepreneurship program designed to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship, build 21stCentury skills, and foster confidence in African American youth so they can successfully create their own economic opportunities. During the 12-week program, youth ages 13-17 meet two days a week to learn from established African American business owners and participate in activities to help them think about and develop ideas for prospective future businesses. Participating youth research areas of interest, explore community problems or areas of need, and begin to develop their own product or service and business plan.

Youth Internships

The Youth Internship program provides youth ages 13-17 with opportunities to participate in retail internships, assisting in day-to-day store operations. Interns acquire relevant industry experience, helping them explore areas of interest and build key professional skills. Interns are assigned a supervisor or mentor who oversees their activity for the duration of the placement and provides feedback on their performance and progress.

Summer Youth Program

To thank all community members who have gone out of their way to “Buy Black” at our marketplace, Afri-Soul and its associate businesses offer a summer “STEAM” camp for the month of July that engages youth ages 5 -10 in fun activities, including arts and crafts, academics, games, and a talent show. The program provides two hours of fun learning activities, and snacks for kids twice a week, giving parents a chance to relax, shop, or spend time with friends.

Youth ages 12-17 are offered a photography class using cameras. They learn how to take pictures using a camera, lighting, framing, photos, head shots and products.

L.I.G.H.T. Parent Workshops

Leading with Insight, Guidance, and Harmonious Teaching – Our six-week parent workshops work to support parents in developing the skills they need to cultivate harmonious family environments. Parents and teachers are supported in their efforts to ensure their children have the tools and support necessary for succeeding in school, developing positive self-esteem, and confidently interacting with parents and peers. Each one hour workshop session focuses on key topics such as parenting style, parental roles, and active parenting, providing parents opportunities to model and practice skills.

Our Voices

Is to provide youth an avenue in which to have their voices heard: Youth ages 10-17 learn how to research and develop a podcast. They will have opportunities to respond to current issues and to address issue, themes important to them. Our Voices is created, directed and managed by the youth.